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94+33 =
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Welcome to the Homewood Health Provider Portal!
The Service Provider Portal acts as a reporting, invoicing and case management tool to support quality service, accountability, and sustainability.

If this is your first visit to the Provider Portal as a Homewood Health Service Provider, please click the Register function to proceed with the registration process.

If you already registered for the Portal as a Homewood Health Service Provider, please complete the login details on the left. You will notice changes to the enhanced Portal system. Please login with your information and you will find navigation tools to assist you.
Passwords Requirements
Minimum 10 characters
Contains all of the following: 1 capital, 1 lower case, 1 symbol (examples: $, !, ', ", &, ,, ?, @, #,(, ), {, }, [, ], /, \)
If you are a Service Provider looking to join Homewood Health's clinical network, please click here to be redirected to our "careers" page on our main website at